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Haileybury Pangea is tailored to each educational stage and builds resilient and independent learners with a strong work ethic and critical skills in decision-making, leadership and enterprise.

Middle School is a time when students develop further learning skills and enhance their knowledge of core subjects, developing a deeper understanding of issues and higher-level learning outcomes in preparation for their transition into Senior School.

The Middle School curriculum is designed to cultivate independent high-achieving learners through an environment where exploration, innovation and aspiration are nurtured. Explicit Instruction remains a core teaching strategy, as Middle School students are encouraged to utilise critical thinking and creativity when engaging with the curriculum. Years 5-8 sees students involved in collaborative, inquiry and problem-based learnings as they progress through the Middle School.

Middle School Thumbnail

Meet our Head of Teaching & Learning Middle School

Effective delivery and engaged learning

Haileybury Pangea Middle School students benefit from unparalleled individual attention and brilliant teaching, as they transition through Middle School and into Senior School. Class sizes are strictly limited and encompass students at a similar stage of learning.

Our Middle School program covers every key developmental stage within supportive, co-educational classes that cater for the social, emotional and educational needs of pre-adolescents and adolescents.

Aligns to your needs

A purpose-designed online campus, where students can connect directly with teachers and peers and feel supported in academic studies.

Allows full-time students to complement their studies and passions to suit their particular requirements.

Outstanding courses that inspire thinking and encourage deeper learning, from the most awarded school in the southern hemisphere.

Small classes held by brilliant teachers, all of whom are highly experienced at and passionate about the online learning experience.

The Middle School curriculum

A rewarding range of subjects

Middle School subjects align with the Australian Curriculum and are delivered through an academic framework that develops skills in listening and understanding, reasoning and problem-solving, fluency and creativity.

Students develop their skills and knowledge in English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Languages.

Language study is offered as part of the core Academic program until the end of Year 9. Years 5 and 6 students study Chinese, while Years 7 and 8 students can select from Chinese or French. Those in Year 8 who perform well academically and meet the Accelerated Languages criteria, may be invited to learn Latin or an additional language in an accelerated mode in addition to their core program.

Physical Education, The Arts and Computer Science are offered as self-paced learning units or as intensive activities.


Computer Science, The Arts and PE


Middle School English is designed to develop students’ reading capacities through their engagement with literary texts, building their capacity to grasp how texts are constructed to impact particular audiences, and to create texts for a wide variety of purposes.

Students produce a range of text types, including narrative, persuasive, informative and argumentative, and explore units that elicit engagement and thought. An explicit focus on important language skills including spelling, grammar and punctuation underpins their study throughout the course.


Students aim to master key mathematical strategies as they consolidate and extend their knowledge of number, using efficient mental and written strategies and application of appropriate digital technologies to solve problems. As they progress to Years 6 and 7, they are introduced to further concepts including basic algebra, area, perimeter and volume, the conversion of units, statistics and probability.


Students cover areas of science such as Biology (Microbes & Feeding the Future), Chemistry (Change) and Physics (Electricity), and learn to explain how scientific knowledge is used in decision making, and identify contributions to the development of science by people from a range of cultures.

As they progress, they expand investigation to other areas of interest including water and ecosystems, energy and biological systems.


Humanities covers a wide range of topics including the features of places and how humans develop places for living, the social, economic and political development of Australia as a nation, the need for water, and the key landscapes of coasts and cities.

Students tackle complex problems and propose solutions to the issues that face our increasingly interconnected world, focusing on understanding the concepts of cause and consequence, change and continuity and historical perspectives.


Years 5 and 6 study Chinese; Years 7 and 8 have the choice of Chinese and/or French.

As a core component of the Haileybury curriculum, the Languages Program not only offers all students the opportunity to learn an additional language, it also allows them to become passionate about and immersed in other cultures.

Students will study their chosen language until the end of Year 9, when they may elect to continue learning the language as they select their own subjects for their final years of schooling.

Computer Science, The Arts and PE

Computer Science, The Arts and PE are offered as self-paced learning units or as intensive activities.

Technologies draws together the distinct but related subjects of Design and Technologies, and Computer Science. It ensures that all students benefit from learning about, and working with, traditional, contemporary and emerging technologies that shape the world in which we live.

The Arts have the capacity to engage, inspire and enrich all students, exciting the imagination and encouraging them to reach their creative and expressive potential.

Physical Education provides students with an experiential curriculum that is contemporary, relevant, challenging and physically active.

Building balance

Wellbeing and support

Studying online with Haileybury Pangea is a wonderful opportunity for Middle School students to apply themselves and begin working on deeper learning and critical thinking skills. However, as our central ethos is that ‘every student matters every day’, it is important we foster a sense of balance and build positive mindsets.

We support students through a Wellbeing Program that includes topics such as values, emotional intelligence, positive mental health, diversity and how to navigate the online world. Students engage in a safe and supportive learning environment where they can ask questions, have discussions about topics that are relevant to adolescent development, and with a central focus on ‘Respectful Relationships’.

Outside the classroom

Middle School builds on students’ interests and passions, and offers numerous activities to engage and challenge, including a wide range of clubs and societies, organised fairs and external competitions.

We also have an extensive Music program where there are opportunities for private tuition in many different instruments.